Well what a month November has turned out to be so far…..
With weather more akin to the summer months, trips to French Cay have been an unexpected boon and the wildlife everywhere has not disappointed…
We have seen over the last two weeks so much cool stuff including: patrolling Sharks, majestic Eagle Rays, Huge Roughtail Stingrays, chilled Turtles, Flying Gurnards, purple Seas Godesses and Octopi. To top off this great couple of weeks we have also “discovered” a new dive site – Bill’s Gamble, and, as if that was not enough, we had a pod of 7 dolphins with us the other day. we got to watch these guys feed in a big school of Horse Eye Jacks and then swim off….
Check out this video….Diving with Aqua Tci – Dolphins at The Gulley West Caicos